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>If you are considering whether to take an exchange semester or stay at NMBU, see some pros and cons here.

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CourseSemesterPrerequisites / Recommendations
PAE302 Agroecology: Action Learning in Farming and Food Systems , 30 ECTSAug block + FallFor enrolled students in NMBU or Double-degree Agroecology program.
See > A Transect Walk through the First Semester
EDS330 Political Ecology, 10ECTSSpring
EDS352 Agroecology and development, 10 ECTSSpring
EDS355 Climate Change and Development, 10 ECTS Next – Autumn 2020
EDS370 Gender and Development , 5 ECTSJan block
PJH212 Cropping Systems of Grain Crops and Grasslands, 10 ECTSSpringTeaches standard grains and grasslands management in a Norwegian context. Plant physiology, nutrient management, cultivation, etc. The course is practical so excellent for farmers and agronomists. Hands-on grains exercises at Vollebekk.
PJH300 Sustainable Production Systems in Agriculture, 15 ECTSAug block + FallHigh level of detail about plant physiology and soil science. Make time for a lot of work in August block. Theoretical is tied to practical with field exercises and examples from Norway and globally. The course is very well-rounded with modules on soil pollution, nutrient flows, N and P, and some field trips.
MINA300 Biogeochemistry, Global Change, 10 ECTSJan block to Feb or MarchVery high level of detail that goes beyond more than agriculture – includes lakes, oceans, atmosphere, geology. A good course if you want to learn about climate science and planetary change in general. Also includes a very cool module on the origins of Earth. It is based on a textbook, and taught colloquium-style, students present chapters to each other. There are no lectures, but a professor is there to lead discussions. Uses basic chemistry. Heavy reading for 6-8 weeks, then the course is over early in Spring Parallel.
JORD310 Global and Local Pollution, 10 ECTSSpringModules from different teachers on different types of pollutants in different types of ecosystems. Includes soil and also waters, atmosphere. Similar to the biogeochemistry course but less heavy. Still uses some chemistry.
BIO330 Microbial Ecology and Physiology, 10 ECTS Spring Excellent lecturers make this a great course for understanding how microbiology shapes the world as they grow, starve, communicate with signals, and adapt. Includes literature seminars – students present papers, some are very technical, but there are always papers on soil and/or environmental remediation. Goes into some level of detail about lab methods used by microbiologists (but it is not a lab course).

>Also see: How to make your own course (coming soon)


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