Research Projects

Here is an overview of the research projects the Agroecology program is contributing in. You can reach more details from the project website or from the professors. It is possible that you conduct your thesis research within any of these projects! NEXTFOOD  This EU-project is co-creating the education systems for Read more…

Key people at NMBU

Chuck Francis [Visiting Professor of Agroecology, NMBU, and Professor of Agronomy and Horticulture, UNL] Chuck Francis first came to agroecology from an experience during his Master’s in the Philippines, where a tropical cloudburst wiped out his conventionally-planted experiment, while nearby traditional fields survived the storm.  He researched maize/bean intercropping in Read more…


The transition to Ecosocialism – Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro (Part 3): Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro makes the case for natural scientists and political philosophers to study each other’s work. He explains that studies of physical environments have ideological implications for society, and social ideas about nature can be dangerous without an ecological Read more…

Networking resources

Agroecology organizations European Coordination Via Campesina International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food) Agroecology Europe Youth Network (AEYN) AEYN facebook group Sign yourself on AEYN’s contact list to connect with agroecologists around Europe Consider joining the parent organization, Agroecology Europe Attend Agroecology Europe Forum 26-28 Sep 2019 Nordic Read more…