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Welcome to the study exchange forum
This is a forum for agroecology students to recommend exchange schools and courses to each other. From the Handbook index, you can see pages for each school.
To contribute: Please add comments to each school’s page. If a school is missing, leave a comment on this page. Everything will be incorporated in a future version. You can also get the password if you want to edit these pages yourself (it’s very easy!). Contact one of the current authors.
> Entries so far (School missing? Comment below!)
- SLU Alnarp, Sweden
- Wageningen, Netherlands
- University of Manitoba, Canada
- Aarhus Univ. Denmark
- NMBU Norway
- University in Oslo, Norway
> Why, how and when to do an exchange?
Erasmus exchange deadlines: 15 September, 1 February each year.
It is possible to get Erasmus grants for exchange for one or two semesters through Erasmus+. You apply through your own university, which has a pre-arranged number of places at various universities in Europe and beyond. You apply for your first through third choice. You can even choose European schools not on the list, and potentially still get a grant – or other schools anywhere in the world although they are not eligible for funding.
Reasons to do an Erasmus+ exchange: take courses in another country, widen your network, get a grant.
> Be advised: part of the grants are provided after successful completion. There is some required paperwork and a report, and you may need a visa for another country.
Reasons to stay at NMBU, especially in the second semester (Spring): Thesis seminar and research methods seminar in Ås, take courses at NMBU including natural / agricultural science departments, and the international environment and development school NORAGRIC to build theory, freely take courses at University in Oslo, especially at SUM – Center for Development and the Environment (no exchange required), deepen your network in Norway.
Many students find out about the Erasmus+ exchange after they arrive in Norway. We encourage you to think early if this is a good choice for you, because the deadlines are twice a year: 15 September and 1 February. The application process (and choosing a destination) can be confusing. Information for NMBU students applying for Erasmus+ Is here: You can also join the alumni facebook group to ask advice:
Nordic Agroecologists (NMBU):
Agroecology SLU: